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Great North Wood (2019)

dimension variable

8 mm metal rods, translucent mesh fabrics, wire, wood strips, gravels, and 2 layered sound pieces playing through 5 speakers

Great North Wood consists of the three-dimensional work Garden and the sound work Inside/Outside. It is an installation consisting of sound recordings made in the remaining parts of the Great North Wood, an ancient wood scattered across South London, and rearranged in space.


The sounds recorded in Sydenham Hill Wood, part of the Great North Wood, consist mainly of geophony, biophony and anthrophony. These elements, which have different sound frequencies, were divided into two layers in the work, and only the anthrophony was played on separate speakers in separate layers. The viewer can move freely in and out of the space permeated by these sounds. The space is separated by a permeable fabric, which attempts to blur the boundary between subject and object while simultaneously revealing its existence/visibility through the permeable boundary that separates inside and outside.

Great North Wood は立体作品Gardenと音作品Inside/Outsideで構成される。本作品は南ロンドンに散在する古代の森Great North Woodの残存部で録音した音を空間に再配置することで構成されるインスタレーションである。


Great North Wood の一部現Sydenham Hill Wood内で録音した音は主にgeophony, biophony,anthrophony の3要素で構成される。音の周波数が異なるこれらの要素を、作中では2層に分けてanthrophonyのみレイヤーを分けて別々のスピーカーで流した。鑑賞者はこれらの音が浸透する空間中を自由に行き来できる。空間は透過性の布地によって隔たれるが、内と外を分ける浸透質な境界によって主体と客体の存在が明らかになる(可視化される)と同時にその境界線を曖昧にすることを試みる。

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